


As God’s people living together in Christ, we love and serve one another and the world around us. Please join us! Working together is a great way to connect with other people of faith. 

Serve in Sunday morning worship

There are many ways to serve on Sunday mornings, from greeting people at the door to singing in the choir or leading worship as a lector or assisting minister. Ushers, Sunday School teachers, altar guild volunteers all have important roles on Sunday morning. Read more.

Care for people in need

Grace members care for one another and for our community in many different ways.

The Grace Care team provides meals for the sick and homebound.

Trained Stephen Ministers provide a one-on-one listening ear for those going through a hard time in life. 

GriefShare provides group support and programming for people coping with loss.

The Social Ministry Committee organizes opportunities to provide for people in need in our community, through food drives, Christmas gift-giving and other projects throughout the year.

Grace members volunteer in the Food Pantry at Harmony Community Church in North Lawndale and with other organizations that work and advocate for peace and justice. 

Participate in church leadership

Grace's board and committee structure draws on the talents of many Grace members to manage the congregation's ministries and finances. Elections for boards and Church Council are held annually in January.  Committees welcome new volunteers throughout the year. 

Help with a meal or big event

The Church-School picnic at the end of summer, Oktoberfest, Advent and Lent suppers, the annual rummage sale—all of these are opportunities to pitch in and help and get to know folks at Grace beyond Sunday morning services. 

7300 Division Street | River Forest, IL 60305 | (708) 366-6900