Caring ministries


Caring ministries

We are together in Christ to love and care for one another. Caring ministries take many forms at Grace and include health and wellness programs, Stephen Ministers and more. 

Health and Wellness Ministry

The Health and Wellness Ministry at Grace promotes health, wellness and healing within the community of Grace Lutheran Church and School. Programs are coordinated by the Parish Nurse, a part-time staff member. She encourages members in healthy living habits and assists those who may be struggling with illness and caregiving issues.

Stephen Ministers

Grace Church has an active Stephen Ministry. Stephen Ministers are individuals who have been trained to provide one-to-one care to people experiencing a difficult time in life. Care receivers may be experiencing difficulties such as grief, divorce, job loss, chronic or terminal illness, relocation, and loneliness. A Stephen Minister comes alongside the hurting person and meets with them on a weekly basis to listen, care, encourage, pray, and provide emotional and spiritual support. For more information about receiving Stephen Minister care, contact a pastor. 

GriefShare program

GriefShare is for anyone grieving the death of a loved one, whether recent or not so recent. It is an opportunity to be around people who understand what you are feeling, in a positive, caring environment. Each GriefShare session is led by a trained facilitator and includes a video presentation, followed by small group discussion.  All are welcome — you don't have to be a member of Grace to participate. 

Grace Care

Grace volunteers provide meals for individuals and families during medical crises and other difficulties. 

Finding Hope

Grace’s chronic illness support group, Finding Hope, meets on the second Friday of every month at 10am in the church library. The group welcomes individuals from the congregation and the community who are struggling with chronic conditions ranging from asthma to Alzheimer's and more. 

Prayer shawls 

The prayer shawl ministry at Grace creates handmade garments that provide consolation and support to people in times of illness, grief or uncertainty. Kntters and crochets also make prayer squares, pocket-sized reminders of the presence and mercy of God.  A knitting and crocheting group meets on the third Tuesday of every month at 1pm.


7300 Division Street | River Forest, IL 60305 | (708) 366-6900