Giving to Grace


Giving to Grace

Win-Win Giving: Tax-Advantaged Charitable Contributions


Why we give

Christians are called to practice faithful giving as an acknowledgment that everything we have has been given to us by God. Our response to receiving a gift is thanksgiving. We say thank you, God — now use this gift to your glory. When we give our gifts to God, it impacts how we use the rest of that stuff we have. Our whole way of living with our resources changes. We can let go and trust that God will continue to take care of us out of divine abundance. 

Giving is an important part of our Sunday worship services. Our response to hearing God’s word is to bring our gifts to the altar—the gifts of bread and wine that will be used in the communion liturgy and the gifts of money that will be used to support the work of God’s kingdom. Through our offerings we participate in the work of God in the world in a tangible, practical way. Gifts to Grace support the work of God’s kingdom in our congregation, in our community and around the world. 

Online giving

Many Grace members find that giving through electronic fund transfer helps them practice faithful stewardship throughout the year. With secure online giving through our Vanco web page, you can make a one-time gift or set up a recurring donation using your debit/credit card or bank account. Another option for managing your e-giving is Vanco’s Give Plus app, available for iPhone and Android.

E-givers are invited to place an e-giving card in the offering plate during worship, as a symbol of their commitment to support Grace’s ministries. 

Planned "Win-Win" giving

Wise financial management can help us make the most of what we give to support God’s work in the world. This brochure on "Win-Win Giving" describes ways you can maximize your charitable giving to Grace Church and beyond.




7300 Division Street | River Forest, IL 60305 | (708) 366-6900