Adult education


Adult education

Education hour

The Sunday Education hour, 9:45–10:45am, includes Sunday School and Confirmation classes, Teen Talk, and a variety of classes for adults. 

Adult Ed classes

Current Adult Ed schedule
Adult Education classes at Grace  meet from 9:45am to 10:45am on most Sundays during the school year and on some Sundays in summer. Classes focus on theology, scripture, social justice issues, spirituality, family life, and vocation, and are taught by Grace members and staff, along with guests from the community and local colleges, universities and seminaries. 

Many classes are part of multi-week series -- come for all the sessions, or just one. Coffee and lively conversation are a vital part of the experience.

Childcare is available in the church nursery  during the Sunday Education Hour from 9:45–10:45am, as well as during worship.


Sunday morning Bible study

In addition to Adult Ed classes, a Bible study group meets every Sunday morning at 9:45am in Grace's lower level conference room. The group is currently working its way through books of the Old Testament. 


Church library

Want to learn more about an Adult Ed or Bible study topic? Visit the Grace Church library for books and other resources. Read more.


7300 Division Street | River Forest, IL 60305 | (708) 366-6900