Church library


Church library

The church library, near the Division Street entrance, is housed in an inviting room with stained glass windows, comfortable chairs, and a fireplace. A search station for the online catalog is located at the checkout desk, and the room is generally available for browsing and self-service whenever the building is open. On Sunday mornings, you will also find coffee, snacks, and friendly library volunteers. All are welcome to check out books for three-week periods.

In addition to books and magazines, the collection includes both commercial and Grace-produced DVDs and videotapes.

Nonfiction topics include church history, religious life and practice, personal and family issues, health and wellness, global issues, politics, and culture. New items are shelved almost weekly to keep pace with the many interests of members and friends of the congregation. The library also has a sizable collection of quality fiction.

Special collections—one for younger children, others for older children and intergenerational appeal—and a section on Lutheran life and practice are shelved near the windows. 

A committee of volunteers maintains the library and staffs it on Sunday mornings. The library is also open for self-service during the week. Also look for book displays in the glass case in the Grace atrium. These books can be checked out—just ask the person at the reception desk for assistance.

Online search tool for the Grace Church library collection
Church library statement of purpose and selection policy

7300 Division Street | River Forest, IL 60305 | (708) 366-6900