


Fellowship happens as we talk together, eat together, work, celebrate and serve together. We share our lives and our faith and look for God's grace at work in the world. 


What is FEAST? It is Grace’s small-group ministry, connecting people to one another across generations. In these groups, Christian fellowship is fostered around devotional conversations and (in pre-pandemic times)  food.

FEAST stands for Fellowship, Education And Spirit Together.  Grace members who sign up for FEAST are assigned to a group of 10-12 people who will meet together regularly for fun and fellowship.  Some groups are adults only, others include families with children. 

In the fall of 2020, during the COVID-19 epidemic, groups are meeting virtually, via Zoom or other online technology.  There's a brief discussion-starter for each month’s get-together, provided by Pastor Lyle. FEAST groups are a wonderful opportunity for Group members  to support one other, deepen old friendships while creating new ones, pray together, and have fun — even when we can't be together in large groups in person. 

Groups formed in 2019-20 are encouraged to stay together another year. If you'd like to join a group for 2020-21, please contact Grace for more information. 


Grace's senior members gather on Wednesday mornings for treats and fellowship at 10am and Bible study led by the pastors at 10:30, with the occasional hymn-sing.  In the fall of 2020, they'll be meeting on Zoom, with conversation led by Parish Nurse Pat Gulik at 10am and Bible study with Pastor Lyle at 10:30.

Join the Grace Cornerstones Zoom meeting:

Meeting ID: 827 9427 6256
Passcode: 8WpNes

Moms of Littles

Mothers of young and young-ish children meet once or twice a month for fellowship and mutual support. Contact Grace for more information about upcoming meetings. 


Religion in Literature 

The Religion in Literature group meets monthly, usually on the third Friday evening at 8pm,  for book discussions.  For more information and links to Zoom gatherings, contact Grace.
Reading list and meeting dates for 2020-21. 

Knitting and Crocheting Group

The Knitting and Crocheting Group meets on the third Tuesday of the month.  During the pandemic, stitchers contine to work on prayer shawls, prayer squares and personal projects at home on their own. All are welcome—including new knitters and crocheters. For more information, contact Grace and we'll put you in touch with the knitters. 








7300 Division Street | River Forest, IL 60305 | (708) 366-6900