Worship assistants


Worship assistants

Have you ever noticed how many people are involved in leading a worship service on a Sunday morning? Beyond the pastors, who are ordained and called to preach the Word of God and administer the sacraments, there are dozens of people involved in making worship happen. In fact, in our Lutheran tradition, worship depends on the praises and offerings of the whole people of God.

Of course there is music led by choirs of adults and children, handbell ensembles, soloists, and instrumentalists. But think also about those who greet us at the front door, those who distribute bulletins and collect offerings, those who read from scripture, and those who prepare the altar or serve during Holy Communion. Each person brings their own gift and, together, we all join in what is indeed a Great Thanksgiving.

For example, high school junior Sarah Danganan serves as a lector:

I initially got involved in serving as a lector after I completed my eighth grade confirmation. All of the confirmed eighth graders were advised to fill out an interest form that indicated some of the ways we would like to serve as a confirmed, "adult" member of Grace. I had done theater for many years and I was comfortable speaking in front of a crowd, so thought that I would enjoy serving as a lector. 

For the past two years, I have thoroughly enjoyed reading the message of God during worship. Often times, it's easy for weekly church and the structure of the service itself to become simply a routine, so it is important to me that the worship service is engaging and fulfilling. By serving as a lector and reading the word of God with my own oral interpretation, I hope that listeners are intrigued and are able to see the text in a new way. 

Perhaps you might enjoy leading worship in some capacity, be it large or small, public or behind the scenes. In fact, we are in need of people to fill various roles in worship:

Gift Bearers process during the offertory with the gifts of bread and wine which become for us the body and blood of Christ. They also serve as chalice bearers and distribute the blood of Christ for those who drink from the common cup. (Gift Bearers are especially needed currently for the 11 a.m. service.)
Lectors read the selected scripture passages and distribute the blood of Christ for those who drink from individual communion cups.
Assisting Ministers assist the pastors during worship services at the sacraments of Holy Baptism and Holy Communion and also compose and lead the prayers of the people.
Altar Guild is the group of people who prepare the altar for Holy Communion prior to worship.
Greeters share a “good morning” with worshipers at entrances to the church.

We invite you to learn more. Contact Pastor Costello and he will connect you to the organizer of each group.


7300 Division Street | River Forest, IL 60305 | (708) 366-6900