Grace Lutheran Church and School


Grace Notes

Staying in touch despite the social distance

Posted by Grace Church on

People at Grace are looking out for one another, through the church’s boards and committees and through groups such as Grace Care and Stephen Ministry.  We may be physically separated and lonely at times, but we can still care for one another's needs.

Easter baskets. On Easter morning the Bullock family and Children and Family Ministry Coordinator Julie Modrich delivered Easter basket surprises to Grace children enrolled in Sunday School and Confirmation. Many happy photos were shared by recipients in a Google photo album.

Staying in touch with vulnerable members. The Elders and Stephen Ministers, continue to make calls weekly to members of the Grace community.  If you have not received a call and would like one, please call Grace (708-366-6900) and leave a message for Karen Christopher (ext. 207),  Pastor Lyle (ext. 209) or Pay Gulik (ext. 219) and they'll arrange for someone to call you for a chat. Just ask—you don’t need a special reason. It’s good to stay connected. Perhaps you might want to reach out to others in your “pew neighborhood” or folks you regularly greet around the coffee pot in the atrium. If you need a phone number for a Grace acquaintance, call the church at 708-366-6900. We’ll get back to you with the information you need. 

Postal mail is another way to stay connected. Most of us find ourselves depending more than ever on technology to stay connected to friends, family and the outside world as we shelter in our homes. But not everyone is able to read email newsletters or watch livestream worship services. Church administrative assistant Karen Christopher has been mailing sermons, the weekly scripture readings, and quarterly devotion books to members who may not be in touch with Grace Church electronically. Thanks to strong social networks among older members who watch out for one another, we’ve been able to identify folks who might appreciate getting their church news in their mailbox. Please let her know if you know of any people who should be added to this mailing list. 

Grace Care adapts to new circumstances. Grace Care volunteers are still providing meals to members who are ill—people who for the most part are in high-risk groups during the coronavirus pandemic. During the first week of the stay-at-home order in March, they delivered a hot meal for that week and frozen entrees for three additional weeks. This assures that people are cared for, while minimizing in-person contacts. Another round of meals and frozen entrees went out on Easter Sunday, thanks to Linda Bernard, who also delivered flowers from the Easter chancel at Grace to Grace Care recipients, as well as other shut-in or homebound members. Pastor Lyle also made some flower deliveries. 





7300 Division Street | River Forest, IL 60305 | (708) 366-6900